Clean Deep Fryer

How To Clean A Deep Fryer? 7 Easy Steps

Deep fryers form the center of all the preparations you make while hosting the weekend’s culinary feast. Let it be fried meat, vegetables, or any deep frying delicacy, a deep fryer tends out to be an indispensable factor. This is why having a clean deep fryer is necessary, so that you won’t have to compromise on hygiene for the sake of taste. Moreover, not giving your fryer a thorough cleaning session at least once a week can cause drastic results on its frying ability. To cope with all this, we have come up with certain small steps that can end up making a big difference in your kitchen routine. Without wasting a minute, let’s dive right in.

Steps To Clean Your Deep Fryer

1) Unplug the fryer:

This has to be the first and foremost step, crucial not only for the fryer’s deep cleaning but also for your safety. Furthermore, if you have recently used your fryer, give it at least two hours to cool down before beginning the cleaning process. Ideally, 60 degrees Celsius is the perfect temperature to start with all the scrubbing and cleaning. We know seeing those floating food pieces at the top can be irritating. For this, you can use a spider strainer to remove them all at once. This helps a lot since you can scrub the fryer without worrying about the small bits getting stuck in the sponge.

2) Remove the wire basket:

The next important step is the wire basket that serves as the functioning point of the deep fryer. As it is one of those parts that directly come in contact with all the oiling, its cleaning is going to need greater effort. We suggest you take some soap and mix it with water in a larger container. You can then soak the basket in it for at least half an hour so that the stubborn stains can gradually come off. Other than this, you can take any liquid dish soap, and place some drops onto the surface that has blackened because of the frying. This does help in peeling off the oil marks that otherwise just won’t go away.

3) Deal with the cooled oil:

Most of the time, dealing with the cooled oil is a lot harder task for beginners because they have no idea whether it should be dumped or not? Let’s make it easy for you; if you’ve used the fryer for heavier items like meaty dishes, you can use the same oil three times consecutively. In case you only go for the deep fryer for simple things like French fries or roasted potatoes, your oil can go for as many as eight attempts. This is why we emphasize a proper cleaning session for your kitchen’s deep fryer. It protects your health and lets you opt for an economical approach towards the essentials like oil. A little effort can help save a lot of money in the long run.

4) Clean the inside of the fryer’s pot:

Now comes the trickiest part of the whole process. This is the time you would go for the tough scrubbing of the fryer, using a plastic spatula for this purpose. If you are someone who cleans the fryer weekly, a soft sponge would be a potential replacement for the spatula. This step is substantial because of the food particles are left stuck in the corners, they’d collectively harm the new oil quality. Consequently, you would have to miss out on the premium deep-frying experience, and this would make all this more off-putting than ever before.

5) Pour hot water into the inner chamber:

When you have finished scrubbing each nook and corner of the inner chamber, this is the peak time to fill it with hot water. This step is essential for two main reasons; firstly, it’d help tackle the stains that have escaped the scrubbing process. On the other hand, it’d prove to be a helping hand so that you don’t have to go over the board with all the excessive rubbing. This also leads to lesser scratching and hence a shinier deep fryer.

6) Wash and rinse:

Now, this is where you switch back to all the parts that have been soaked in hot water. You can take the oil basket out of the water, and see if any stain remains, you can wipe it off with a soft cloth. Following the same pattern, all you have to do is just to drain all the water present in the inside chamber and repeat this step with each part. Rinsing makes sure there’s no soapy tinge left in the deep fryer, and you wouldn’t have to worry about the soap ‘smell intermingling with the food taste.

7) Dry the deep fryer:

Lastly, use a kitchen towel to pat dry the inside walls of the fryer. You can use the same towel to dry the wire basket as well. After this, leave the fryer for a good time to let it completely air-dry. We won’t suggest you start using it until three hours, because the water might seep into the internal parts, which won’t be favorable if connected to electricity. This step involves a lot of patience, so we’d prefer you go for the cleaning session, especially when you aren’t in a mood to throw a party anytime soon.

Some Tips To Keep In Mind

Firstly, we’d strongly recommend reading the manufacturer’s instructions to understand the right way to clean the fryer thoroughly. This process varies with the type of fryer, e.g. some of them don’t have a water-proof coating, so using a wet cloth to wipe the surface can induce rust attacks.

Secondly, never completely submerge your fryer in water. The goal is to make sure the fryer is deeply cleaned, and you can’t achieve this until you pay attention to small nooks and corners. Dumping the fryer in a water container would only worsen the situation. Most importantly, let us emphasize that the safest way is to ensure you have unplugged the fryer before cleaning it. In the end, don’t touch the oil directly after using the fryer; give it two hours to cool down.


This brings us to the end of our discussion. Cleaning a deep fryer isn’t a Herculean task; irrespective of whether you are a pro or beginner at it, everyone can achieve the desired results with little diligence. This process is irreplaceable, because nobody wants to eat the food made in a dirty and greasy deep fryer. This won’t only question the hygiene at your place but also tends to be a potential hazard against your health.

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